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Home Is Where the Heart Is

on the Friday, July 15, 2022

Home Is Where the Heart Is
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Concerts, morning teas, fetes, cultural events and celebrations for special days throughout the year all combine to make Regis Hollywood Village a real community. Comprising of over 80 specialist independent living units as well as a vibrant day centre and two comprehensive aged care Homes - all located on 14 acres in central, leafy Nedlands - the Regis-owned site is a true village in every sense of the word.

Miky Webb, Regis Hollywood Village Manager, explains that with a full activities program, including exercise classes, craft groups, regular entertainers and organised outings, many seniors have formed strong bonds with fellow residents which has seen friendships flourish.

“From Mother’s Day to Father’s Day, to Anzac Day and Christmas Day and a myriad of cultural and special events, Regis is very focused on celebrations that help to bring our community together,” she says.

“Within our village, the well-maintained paths and picturesque, landscaped gardens make it a pleasure for residents to stroll to visit friends and neighbours as well as access our facilities, and it really is heart-warming to see the companionship that develops here, leading to a close-knit community where seniors genuinely enjoy each other’s company.”

Another significant initiative which was recently organised at the Village was a ‘Think Tank’ session attended by members of the retirement village committee and Regis management.

The information session enabled village residents to hear first-hand about the care available at Hollywood Village if independent living is no longer possible.

“The session was all about the benefits of having comprehensive aged care services on site, so that people have an understanding of what is needed in preparation for the next step in their lives,” Miky explains.

“There have been many benefits from these sessions, including educating our community about gaining Enduring Power of Attorney, Advance Care Directives and Enduring Power of Guardianships, as well as learning more about aged care assessments.

“With Regis’s comprehensive aged care services on site, our residents have real peace of mind knowing that, should their circumstances change, they can move from independent living to low care, through to high care, whilst staying within their own much-loved community.”

Click here to find out more about Regis

Regis offers a diverse range of care options including residential aged care, home care, retirement living, day therapy and day respite. Regis is one of the largest providers of aged care in Australia and cares for more than 7,000 residents each year.